Thursday, August 17, 2006

Finally I have started to blog like everyone else. Hubby said its just a matter of time that I will do this. Basically, other than playing computer games and suduko (yes I am a suduko addict), next best entertain would be to blog??? I have been a SAHM (stay at home mum) for about a year. Its really a mix feeling... on one hand I really feel like going back to work and the other hand.. tai tai life is great too. Whats my daily routine like you may ask ….

When hubby is overseas –
I will have to chauffeur my kids to school. Which means I have to wake up by 7.30am latest… yawnnnn... my princess starts school at 8am. Back home by X.XXam, drink my coffee, read newspaper then its computer time. At about X.XXam drive out to fetch my princess from school, back by X.XXam then at X.XXam its time to send my prince to school. Back home by X.XXpm and the rest of the day… computer computer computer, take nap, take high tea, etc, then 6pm drive out to fetch my prince from school, back home by about X.XXpm. Have dinner, coach my prince on school work, watch tv and then go to bed.

When hubby is at home –
Pretty much the same as above except no need to be driver to my kids.. hee hee, hubby does the driving. I will wake up about hmmm latest 10am (or till the sun starts to burn my butt… hahaha). And throw in some outings to makan places or shopping (with hubby) here and there.

Isn’t life just great or so it seems.

I do get bore some times… lately being thinking of picking up music lessons… or rather brushing up on my piano wif professional help then I do freelance like playing for people’s wedding or at lounges (I don’t know)… pick up knitting… study some thing (like diploma in law)… learn to roller blade… 101 things to do but need help to jump start.

To be continued...

1 comment:

Biscuit in Bali said...

welcome to the world of nonsensical rambling and verbal diarhoea hee hee.. looking forward to more..