Sunday, October 29, 2006

My latest craze, korean drama - Princess Hour. The crown prince and princess are so cute, especially when they get on each other's nerves. Not only am I crazy about the show, also love the songs in the show - "Perhaps love and Stay". I have attached the MV from youtube for your listening pleasure. I think Ashely likes the songs too cos she will try to sing along whenever she hears the songs playing... yes singing in korean.... hahahha.


Perhaps Love

I am trying to find the music scores for these two songs, so I can play on the piano. Talking about piano... my lessons are coming along fine. Enjoying myself.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Its EXAMINATION time! Stress, stress and more stress! Not my exams but Aloy's. I think I am more stress than him. Actually I am not really stress from preparing Aloysius for the exams but rather stress from his constant whinning. Complaining day in and out that he has to do more revision than usually. Just getting him to learn his spelling for the exams is a chore to me. Was I like that in my younger days? Don't recall that my mum has to constantly nag at me to study. Or maybe my mum give up on me.. ahahha! Anyway, I turn out ok, though deep down in my heart, knew I could have done even better. Just not hardworking enough. Thats why I always tell Aloysius to pay a little more attention to his school work. Then again, which kid would listen to that kind of advice.

The Russell Peters show came at a good time, helps to release some of the exam stress. I was laughing non stop throughout the entire one-hour show. I bought his outsourced DVD, so anyone wish to borrow it, let me know. Imagine, he was suppose to perform only 1 show, end up he did 5 shows and all tickets were sold out. By the way, Dom Dom, he will be in Australia in December. He is performing in Melbourne but tickets are all sold out. Unless you want to drive/swim/walk/fly/hitch-hike to Brisbane, maybe able to catch him. Check out his website -